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"The Star Waaaaagh" has been a labor of love which began in November of 2023.  This army has taken over 1000+ hours to design, print, build, paint and wire over 8 months for the sole purpose of raising money for charity.


"Last year, I began to  wonder how a themed army might raise money for charities that focus on causes which are directly affecting my family. My mother is in end-stage Alzheimer's Dementia, my younger sister has been battling breast cancer, my older sister fought and beat Hodgkin's Lymphoma, and my mother-in-law is currently waging war against Lymphatic cancer. These are all amazing women whom I love and I wanted to honor them in a special way.


"I considered which 40k armies might easily lend themselves to a creative theme enhancement and immediately Orks came to mind.  They are terrible at shooting but can be strong and overwhelm people in numbers . . . just like the Empire in Star Wars!  Thus "The Star Waaaaagh" was born.


"I started by speaking to many special artists like @mezgike, @mrmodulork and @herald_ow on instagram to see if they could support the project by utilizing their models and having special decals made to represent the army.  My close friend, Jameson Dundas, helped design the Rancor Stompa from scratch as well as Ghazghkull Mando Thraka. He proceeded to wire up the Rancor and AT AT with lights and sounds to bring them to life.  


"After countless hours of work and coordinnation, the army was ready for prime time. At the end of May 2024, "The Star Waaaaagh" made its gaming debut, traveling to play at Gamescon in Edmonton Alberta during the Play on Tabletop narrative tournament.  It was a hit, winning Favorite Army out of the 100 that were there. In August of 2024, Play on Tabletop invited "The Star Waaaaagh" to participate in one of their great 40k in 40 Minutes segments.  It will air sometime in October and the link will be posted.


"This army is a perfectly unique crossover of Star Wars with Warhammer 40k. All those involved with the project are confident the winner will be blown away by the quality and the attention to detail that has been put into it.  The more tickets you buy, the more chances you have to  be that winner. "



"The Star Waaaaagh" was created to support this  charitable fundraiser. Your generosity will help millions of people who are being served by Breast Cancer Research Foundation, Alzheimer's Association, and the Leukemia & Lymphoma Society.  We are grateful for your participation in this raffle; its success will bring great honor to the artist and to the brave women in his family. 



    Electronics by Jameson Dundas


NOVA Open Charitable Foundation
9033 Westerholme Way
Vienna, VA 22182
FED EIN: 46-1895821

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