The 2022 Ukrainian Refugee Relief have ended and the winners have been announced.
Nathaniel Shaw Preston Australia​
Paul Meyers Winnsboro SC USA​
Alex Healey London UK​
Joshua Bunke Kronshagen DEU​
Tara Dillenburger Keenan UK
Tyler MacDonald Bon Accord AB CA
Kri'tho'ann, Herald of Pain (Kromlech)
Justin Orton El Paso TX USA​
Kaelen Evon Naperville IL USA​
Mark Fredin Marion IO USA​
Nick Grant Hereford UK​
Peter Blizzard Alexandria VA USA​
Richard Hale Oakton VA USA​
Robert Wiechert Merced CA USA
Robert Wiechert Merced CA USA
Ryan Polk Ambler PA USA​
Timothy Sands Obrien N Reading MA USA​
Tom Dushkewich West Chester PA USA​
Two Sequitors Stormcast Eternals
Travis Weiss Orefield PA USA​
Tristan Godbold Stanardsville VA USA​
William Carroll Tacoma WA USA​
Adan Tejada Diamond Bar CA USA​
Adan Tejada Diamond Bar CA USA​
Amy Van De Water Warner Robins GA USA​
Andre Joost Buxtehude DEU​
Chris McNeil Mandeville LA USA​
Chris McNeil Mandeville LA USA​
Chris Miller Albuquuerque NM USA​
"Why" Girl (Alternety Miniatures)
Christopher Green Toronto ON CA​
Colby Sullins Washing DC USA​
Dan Kinder Woodstock GA USA​
Daniel Gess Indianapolis IN USA​
David Stark Clackamas OR USA​
Dominic McGlinn Redcliffe Qld AU
Douglas Willians Alexandria VA USA
Erik Johnson Columbia MA USA
Erin Hartwell Gastonia NC USA
Erin Hartwell Gastonia NC USA
Helen Clarke Shell Lake SK CA
James Thomas Murrieta CA USA
Jan Kaiser Wien AT
Johnny Emblemsvag Kristiansand NO
Matthew Bair Niles MI USA
Russell Lewis Tollhouse CA USA
Sidrah Sheikah Washington DC USA
Corey Croot Johnson City TN USA
Helen Clarke Shell Lake Sask CA
Ivan Odie Lerwick UK​
Kenneth Valentine Corinth NY USA
Paul Bonner Original Art (Display Art)
Adam Fasoldt Mechanicville NY USA
Alison Blake Hillsborough NC USA​
Cameron Coupland Long Gully VI AU
Orc Freak Collectors Edition Diorama
Dan Kinder Woodstock GA USA
Erik Johnson Columbia MD USA
Erin Hartwell Gastonia NC USA